jueves, abril 24, 2008

EYYY!!! Hello to everyone. Today I.m going to show you one of the activities we made in Katowice: Paintball!!!! Yes, amazing, really good. First round Paddy and I took the flag and our team won the game. Fantacstictnie!! HAHAHAHA. I was shoot in the eye and in the leg, but no pain. Many people were hitted in the hand and ufff, believe me , in hurts. Well see you !!

martes, abril 22, 2008


Si si si si ..... Voy a poner cosas de Polonia señores, para que veais fotos de mis viajes, mis fiestas y mis movidas. Espero que lo disfruteis y un saludo!!
La foto a continuacion es de mi ultimo viaje a Katowice, una pasada. Estoy cantando en un karaoke de fiesta. Cantamos oasis y alguna que otra mas... jeje.

Yes yes yes yes, I.m going to inform you ladies and gentleman, that i.m in poland and I want to show you about my trips, parties and so om. I hope you will enjoy. See you!
Tis photo is from my last trip to Katowice, wonderful! I.m singing in a Karaoke songs lika Oasis and "You will never walk alone"hehhe...