domingo, mayo 18, 2008

Flow party with Elvis!

Ohh yess baby, love my tender... HAHA! YEs we made party in Flow, and we had to be dressed like the 60's, 70's and 80's. Almost everybody were wearing some funny clothes. As you can see I was the more stupid with the entire suit of Elvis! HEHE. Actually i won the fancy dress contest! And I got one t-shirt, one pen, one beer free and Pedro my mentor invited me to one RON COLA!! It was superb, just see the video and enjoy...

sábado, mayo 17, 2008

Treasure hunting!!

Fantastic day!! We went to a forest of Lodz, not far from the city. We went by train, and we begun drinking just when going by the way! We were divided by groups to search for the treasure, and I had the luck to be in the same group as Gratoo... He always get naked and he did it again! So as you can see in the photos he did all the tests naked! At the end we finished the day really tired, after crossing a dangerous bridges, shooting, carrying pieces of wood, writing with swords and trying to jump up some beer boxes.... Enjoy the video!!

jueves, mayo 01, 2008

Hello again to everybody!! Today I would like to talk about Sunday's BBQ (barbacoa). Is was great! We ate some "salchichas" whith ketchup and bread, simply fantastic...hehe. Later I had the great idea to bring down the flying disc that I had in Katowice and everybody played with it. Paty also took a ball, and we spent all the afternoon playing with it, trying to hit people when they were touched by the ball, hahahaha! Good weather, good friends, so it was a superb afternoon. I hope there will be more like this one!! C U!!